Learn coding for free

Numbers of website can be found in any search engine if you will start to search best websites for learning codes for free. Many peoples from different educational background those love to know or interested to learn coding apart from the people those are in their related academic streams even can learn coding for free. Internet provides us freedom of knowledge though you are not belonging to the technical streams. Interest & curiosity for knowledge is the main fuel to run wisdom. Here is the list of websites most of those help people to learn coding for free.

w3schools, Codecademy, jquery, freeCodeCamp, edX, Codewars, Khan Academy, GA Dash, MIT OpenCourseware, Hackr.io, Scotch.io, Code.org, Udemy, Bento.io, The Code Player, SoloLearn, Udacity, The Odin Project, Coursera, freeCodeCamp, Coursera, UX Beginner, UXPin, The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, Swift Playgrounds, Start Developing iOS Apps (Swift), Google Developers Training, Android Developers, O’Reilly Security Ebooks, Cybrary, Google AI, Machine Learning Mastery, EliteDataScience, Springboard, Dataquest, Ruby In 20 Minutes, RubyMonk, Rails Tutorial, Code School, Rails For Zombies, Learn Ruby the Hard Way, Learn Python The Hard Way (Website), LearnPython.org, A Byte of Python, WPBeginner, WordPress.tv, Watch & Code, Javascript.com, Eloquent Javascript, learnpython.org, Learn JS, NodeSchool, JavaScript for Cats, Learn to Code HTML & CSS, Mozilla Developer Network (documentation, tutorials), Marksheet.io, HTML5 Dog, Try Git, Git Immersion, Conquering the Command Line, Command Line Power User, Learn Enough Command Line to Be Dangerous, CSS-Tricks, A List Apart, Tuts+, SitePoint, Softwarehow, David Walsh, ProgrammingKnowledge, Derek Banas, thenewboston, LearnCode.academy, Launch School Open Book Shelf, Edabit, Microsoft Virtual Academy, Coderbyte, Udacity, edX.org, Coursera, Open Consortium, SQL Zoo, SQL @Stanford, Essential SQL, SQL for Nerds, Intro to SQL, SQL Bolt, PHP & MySQL, Dashing D3, Java & CS, Learn Java, Coding Bat, Think JavaJava Udemy, Coursera, Google University, O’Reilly Learning Java, Java for Python Devs, Thinking in JavaGolang.orgCode Learn, App Inventor (Visual), App Development Essentials, Programming in Java, LearnerooData Visualization for the Web, The New BostonD3 Tips & TricksCode SchoolUdacity (Google Developers), GopherCasts, Programming in Go, Go by Example, Learning Go, Building Web Apps with Go, Learning Go, Code School, Dev Tools Secret, Building Browser Apps, Code School, Stanford, iTunesU,Git Immersion, GitHub Training, Github, Udacity, Pro Git, Learn Git, Learn Python the Hard Way, HTML5 from Scratch, Google, IHeartPY, Code Academy, Explain Shell, Code Academy, The Hello World, Khan Academy, Tutsplus, jQuery Fundamentals,  Dive into Python, Python for You and Me, Getting Started (Adobe), Code School, Office Hours, Python Tutor, Learn to Program, Code Academy, Tutsplus, Tango with Django, HTML Dog, A to Z CSS, Canvassing, Django, Code School, Code Academy, Don’t Fear The Internet, Rubymonk, Learn Rails by Example, HTML5 for Designers, Think Python, Mozilla, Web Accessibility, Dive into HTML5, 20 Things I Learned, JavaScript Guide, DOM Enlightenment, Learn Street, Code Academy, Code Avengers, Eloquent JavaScript, Learn Angular, Angular JS Tutorial, Practical PHPHTML & CSS, Speaking JS, Learn jQueryLearn Ruby the Hard Way, Learn Street, Code Academy, Learn LayoutPHP Programming, Conquer the Command Line, Learning Apps Script, Python for FunThinking Angular, Angular TutorialTryRubyCode Learn, RailscastsJS The Right Way, Oh My JSNodetuts, Node School, Stanford.edu, DashLearn Street, Getting Started,  Treehouse, WordPress TVWhy’s (Poignant) Guide to RubyHTML CanvasCode Combat, Egg Head. 

There might be many more reliable free websites that is not listed here. If you come across any website which should be included here don’t forget to mention the website in comment box.