How to monetize your YouTube videos to make money

People around the world makes money in different ways. If you have talent to deliver any kind of valuable information through audio and video platform, then YouTube is a good platform that can give an opportunity to publish your valuable information. Information may be any kind i.e it may related to any subject, teaching, activity, singing, music, documentary, tourism, about products, science & technology etc. etc. which has endless possibilities of services. Once you have good viewers for your valuable information then google advertising platform will help you to make money. Once you have more viewers and subscribers then you may have more money. Here are some tips how you can make money through YouTube.

If you want to make money from YouTube platform, then you must have a Gmail account. If you don’t have one, then just have to make a Gmail account before proceeding to use YouTube platform. Directly even you can SIGN IN on YouTube and it will guide you to make an account if you don’t have one using Create account link. Once you have a Gmail account you can create YouTube account. Once your account has been created you can make your channel. Here screen shots are not demonstrated; it’s because most often YouTube changes its environment although all internet service giving world upgrade them with time; so you have to explore the environment and proceed ahead by yourself. Once you have made the channel for your favorite topics then you can upload your videos there. You need some basic knowledge of making videos. You should read the term and conditions of YouTube and work accordingly so that you won’t have legal issues or to avoid account disabled. Itself YouTube can help you how to make videos, intro for videos etc. just searching on YouTube platform. It is nothing like that; that you made the channel and started to make money in that day but people are there they make millions of dollars using YouTube platform, so you have to work strategically to achieve the goal. The viewing of your content will make you earnable. So in first place your content should be unique and well demanded by viewers. You must use better keywords for your content topics so that viewers can find you easily in any search engine platform including itself YouTube. You can use marketing for your channels. Peoples are having thousands of ideas to promote their channel and contents. You can start from your family and friends, social media and even promotion platform of YouTube. Once you reach minimum views and subscribers mentioned by YouTube guidelines then you can monetize your channel and can link to Google AdSense. Linking Google AdSense to your channel is the important step that will generate money for you.