Four Best ways to decrease blood pressure naturally.

Hypertension means high blood pressure. Let me quote again it is an intelligent physiological expression of our body to a perceived threat which can be physical, chemical or emotional. So there is a  threat to the body when you have high blood pressure. Here we can elaborate a little bit to its meaning;  The  whole body is controlled by a nervous  system; the nervous system and the  important component is known as  autonomic nervous system or automatic  nervous system. Without our knowledge it  will take care. You have  sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve  as two group.  Sympathetic is always emergency  fight-or-flight. Parasympathetic works as rest and restoration; for example, in day  you are active you are sympathetically  driven more, night you are sleeping you  have parasympathet ically driven more. So what happens anybody with high  “blood pressure” they go to  the doctor and see you have hypertension; meaning you have disease; failing to  understand it’s not a disease it’s just  a symptom. What you have to  find out if this person has been having  some either physical, chemical or an  emotional injury; because whether it’s  physical injury somebody punches you or  a chemical injury you are taking some sick food, or  an emotional injury like some family death,  financial loss; the body perceives  everything as the same and reacts  accordingly so in an emergency what do  you want! In this case you have to be alert i.e.  mentally and physically alert so all the  blood it has to be shunted to your brain,  eyes and extremities; that is what  happens so either the only the  sympathetic over activity is there. The contrary happens very when you rest the  parasympathetic activity takes over  it runs all the blood from the periphery  into our intestine for the digestive  functions. A person with  hypertension or diabetes for anything  they are sympathetically driven, they are  in high-stress body purchases a stress;  It is got to pump more blood to the  extremities, the heart has got to pump  with a greater force to mobilize this  blood all over the place after all what  is the role of blood to transmit  nutrients oxygen to maintain the pH, to  transmit hormones is what other host of  other functions for that the body is got  to pump with a great; the heart has got  to pump with the greatest force and that  is expresses high blood pressure. So it  is an intelligent expression  physiological expression of the body to  a perceived threat. The threat stimulates  a cascade of products in our body which  is shown as the elevated blood pressure.  You may say it’s a disease and give a  tablet; what happens people with high  blood pressure would always experience  the pressure will come down; after all,  the body is intelligent the body will  take the pressure up again that is why  you see people from no medicine to one  medicine to multiple medicine going on  and on until they get into major  issues. So any person who is treating for  example, to treat a person  with high blood pressure try to record  what are the problems he is having;  is it a physical chemical or emotional  or certain deficiency, for example vitamin D deficiency may raise your risk of hypertension. So find out the cause; correct the cause, the pressure is going  to come down. This has happened  practically I never thought I will do  this for my hypo tenses though initially  I was confident of doing for my  diabetics I was able to succeed but the  collateral benefit was people had high  blood pressure diabetes it became normal  after the cause is same  the causes may be physical chemical  emotional injury  the results are instead of one branch  has got multiple branches as so that she  had hypertension she had diabetes she  had cholesterol they are multiple  branches okay once you correct cut the  root everything becomes normal  so this is a collateral benefit I never  thought that will happen but that’s the  learning curve.  High blood pressure can be managed  without any medicine;  so hypertension does not require any  medicines. It has been dubbed as a disease so  that pharma industry can produce  chemicals for that; chemicals can be  patented but food cannot be patented, so  there is money, huge money so in your  knockoff diabetes and hypertension  without medicine the medical illness the  pharma industry will simply collapse. There are two major studies once  known as the Helsinki businessmen study  done in Finland and another one UK  MRC trial in the UK. The UK MRC trial they took 9,000 patients in two groups. One group intensively treated for high blood  pressure with medicines and another group only given advice. In treated group 452 people  died, where untreated group 448 people  died; a difference of four statistically  insignificant, whether you treat high  blood pressure with medicine or without  medicine, the end point is the same; that  is they suffered from atherosclerosis, stroke or  kidney issues etc. are all the same so when doctor treat a person with high blood pressure  conventionally give tablet; the pressure  comes down, the numbers come down, the  doctor is happy, the patient is happy but  the end point, there is no difference that  is what we got from study. Helsinki  businessmen study is even worse; they did  the same thing with a group of high-risk individuals with high pressure, high sugar, high cholesterol with medicines and the other group only treated with only advice. The more mortality in the treated group; so what’s the underlying message  drugs kill people; because the  complications of drugs the long-run are  more than their benefits. So hypertension does not  require any medication; it can be managed  without medication; after all when you  change the diet, you lose  weight, once you lose your weight then your BP comes down like so controlling your physical, chemical and emotional demerits; once it works well your  BP comes down. Here is some natural method that helps to make down your high blood pressure.

1. Slow breathing can down your BP. Take long deep breaths and let it out slowly like people do in yoga. Keep this activity for a few minutes. You can try it for a 15minute test, and verify the result. What happens; when you take long deep breath, then nerve activity that controls your “fight-or-flight” response may slow down, which results your blood vessels to relax and widen.

2. Soaking your feet and legs in hot water for 15 minutes which does the same thing as above and  helps to make down your high blood pressure.

3. Take ginger tea at bed time and see the result in morning. Take some ginger root and grate it in a grater. Take it in a glass or cup and pour ½ cup warm water and cover the glass for 5-10 minutes. Filter the mix and drink it. If you like, you can add lemon and honey for making it tasty.

4. Take Hibiscus tea daily to make down your BP. You can collect Hibiscus flower and dry it in sun rays. Make tea using those dried petals and see the result whether it works or not. Hibiscus tea is not recommended those have low blood pressure. Hibiscus tea can be life threatening for low blood pressure patients.

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