How to Make Money Writing a Blog – A Story from $0 to 10k per Month!

What’s going on guys welcome to post on how to make money writing a blog and how one can went from zero K to 10K per month Lauren and its story; so guys I’m gonna go ahead and hop right into the content right now and not waste your time you probably read because either you have not started your blog yet or you’re looking into it and you are curious on how do people actually make money blogging how does this actually work so just give you a little background how people starts their blogging full-time. People starts with part time blogging and when they start to income lump sum then it becomes their full time living on blogging and writing. You can use any search engine to how bloggers are making huge money from their bloggings. Alright so let’s talk about how to make money blogging are specifically how to make money writing a blog okay so the first thing that we start out to talk about in this in this sort of seven step formula is we need to talk about the obvious you need to create your own blog on the first step. You can always do is to go ahead and start and start writing people kind of get paralyzed in indecision it seems like especially when it comes to making money online they feel like they need to learn everything read every single book dissect every piece of information be complete perfectionist about it and so that way their blog is perfect when they launch it guys that’s just not how it works. We started our first blog before this one before we had a successful blog and so there’s three blogs there’s our very first one there’s our health and fitness blog that does well and there is this blog creating goko and the first one that we had it was called health and happier calm and it absolutely bombed it just bombed blew up in our face and was a huge learning process for us but the reason I bring that up is because I don’t; we don’t regret that there was an important decision because we just went ahead and went for it we didn’t spend a lot of time thinking not a lot of time reading. We just went for it and we kind of learned by failure and if you really want to succeed in blogging and really make a career out of this thing that’s what it’s going to take those are the things that you’re going to need to do we have an entire blog post dedicated to how to create your blog step by step how to create a profitable blog specifically it talks about the proper niche selection and selecting a niche that will actually make you money versus one that won’t and it goes through kind of a step-by-step process there of getting started today so once you’ve done watching this video if you feel like you got good information and you’re ready to move forward go ahead I’ll link that one in the description ok the second step to how to actually make money blogging is you got to create pop awesome posts and topics that people are actually looking for, I know that; that seems it may seem obvious to you it may seem not so obvious but there’s a lot to be said for creating the things that people are actually already searching out for so I just kind of want to give you an example right now so our main search engine the main thing that we do a lot of business through is Pinterest a lot of people will try to rank for Google and I will say you that as well but by creating content people actually want and we need we create the content that people actually search for it’s more complicated than that so one of our niches are niches however you say it is in yoga sorry having to type around this big online microphone kind of difficult so let’s see here so just type in any search engines search box yoga and we can already see some search terms come up after yoga right! We see Yoga for Beginners yoga poses you have a workout inspiration quotes etc. So these are all search topics that people are looking for okay! so you know and this is usually an order of how often it’s searched so Yoga for Beginners is searched more than yoga poses and yoga workout but these terms all in general are searched for a lot now Pinterest is kind of cool because if you type in yoga and you hit enter it’s going to come up with all these kind of additional words that people search for and you can keep narrowing down to make a specific keyword or article so we start with yoga and let’s do yoga for beginners okay! Yoga for beginners’ video yoga for beginners flexibility so it looks like people are looking for a yoga workout for beginners that have to do flexibility and oh look there’s our article this article has generated a ton of traffic for us that’s 31,000 Reap ends that you know just to give you an estimation in traffic that’s over a hundred thousand views from this one pin alone is that’s the typical ratio of reap ends if you have a good pin on but just to show you an example see we create the content people search for I’m not just going to guess at what somebody wants and someone needs if you really want to succeed at blogging and you want to succeed quickly it’s all about other people it’s about their needs their wants their desires and a big part of that is understanding that you need to create content that people actually search for so this topic is pretty good and you can do this for just a variety of niches; niches weight loss is another popular one that we rank for it’s all misspelled in Pinterest so you have to type it in like this and then it will come up so you have weight loss and then you’re going to have all sorts of things so weight loss tips is a big one so people are looking for weight loss tips they want you know quicken looks like quick and easy weight loss tips would be something that people are actually searching for; okay! so remember create the content that people actually want and actually need now say it, say you don’t want to use Pinterest a Pinterest isn’t something you’re interested in I would highly encourage it because we drive somewhere in the range of 15,000 views a month sorry a day organically with Pinterest but some people are also want to use Google as well and Google has a platform called Google Adwords and it operates similarly to this Pinterest this Pinterest search bar so you can come in there and you can say something you can go to the tools and you go to keyword planner and it will pop up right there you can see on there if you type in yoga you can see these average monthly searches and you can see what people are searching for what they want and what they need again the really I’m just giving you a broad overview right now I don’t want to get too much into the details but again create awesome posts and topics that around topics that people are actually searching for you don’t really have to reinvent the wheel when you’re blogging you just have to have better blog content than the other blogs out there which again it’s not that hard if you spend some time and effort doing it. I remember when we looked at Pinterest for traffic engine we were reading some of these blog posts and they were not too impressive so it didn’t take us long to climb to the top search okay and this article as well we will link in the description drive traffic to those posts like I said before we love Pinterest and you can choose whatever method you want people love Facebook Google SEO YouTube Instagram guest blogging email drops forums whatever it is you need to drive traffic to the posts that you create a lot of people think that once they create a post and they write their blog posts that they can just sort of set it up and that the magic will happen that people will just show up and love it and like it and everybody’s making money and having a good time doesn’t really work like that; you got to drive the traffic to those posts now we love Pinterest because it drives us a ton of organic traffic but you know it’s wherever and when thinking about you know what traffic source you should use. I always just tell people think about where your target audience is you know if you’re targeting like mommy Millennials Pinterest is great Pinterest is the place you want to be if your track if you’re targeting like young 20-something professionals yeah LinkedIn you’re going to need to try out LinkedIn for that sort of stuff you know; think about where your target audience is and that’s where you need to focus on getting traffic from and one other thing about traffic before skip over this step is dominate that source of traffic there’s a lot of really bad blogging advice out there that tells people hey listen you need to optimize for this and for that and Google+ and all these different things you need to manage like 9 social media accounts it’s you need to get really  good at one of them optimize your content for that search engine or for whatever method it is you’re trying to draw traffic from and dominate it is served us very well. I remember we made the mistake a little while back with Pinterest we also try to optimize with Google SEO and it just failed because we were spending our time trying to optimize for both and it just doesn’t work it just doesn’t exist okay step four recommend relevant products in those posts now that you’ve created these posts you’ve created your weight loss tips quick and easy now you want to recommend relevant products that people will want and will need so this is our blog actually and this is one of our posts and you know there’s ten steps to losing weight without counting calories so a lot of people in the weight loss niche they know they should count calories but they really don’t want to and so we made a post for them we made a post on how to lose weight without calorie counting and now you’ll see it in here and here’s our one of our channels but you’ll see it in here occasionally we’re going to be mentioning our product you know we’re going to give valuable information we’re obviously going to help people and distribute value but you know this is a for example this is a product link you know we’ve partnered with thrive market and somebody who signs up to get a free thing of apple cider vinegar well guess what we get a small commission from that and the same goes for at the end of the article we always sort of link our product down here and that’s really how you recommend products in your posts again created around the topic that helps them and help them in the article and then sort of just you know you can lead them down here to the ultimate buying decision and let them make that option you never want to come across as very pushy you never want to create a post and just be like by our awesome weight-loss program get it now. It doesn’t work like that people are going to be turned off by that people are very skeptical now; if you but if you spend your time giving them some value before making a pitch well yeah they might actually if they read this post and they agree with everything and they think you can help them well. They might take the next step and look at what your product has to offer and that is by far and we’ve monetized in so many different ways and hadn’t failed it so many that that just seems to be by far the best way to make money online for both you, is the producer of the content and them is the consumer. I will link that post as well so you can check that out another big thing is start building your email list now people in the internet marketing world are you’re going to hear about this and you know what I’m just going to echo behind them guys it’s all about your list you’re trying to build up a group of people who are interested in what you have to do so now let’s look at our list and let’s do some basic math here we have a list of 25,000 people it’s now bigger than that I believe it’s over I know it’s over 30,000 I’m not sure get the exact number but so we have this large list of people now let’s do some basic math let’s say we send an email out to people about our new $37 product to these 25,000 people and let’s say we have a good open rate and 20% of those people open the email that’s 5,000 people now 5% click the link to go to the sales page and that ends up being about 250 people and out of those about 3% end up buying the product now these are all decent numbers these are all you know they’re not overhyped they’re pretty ballpark middle-of-the-road numbers on a conversion and you can see if we so from that one single email that we sent out we would have made you know 250 to $300 now hopefully you can understand by that and understand by that math how making money online really works is that you know if you can build a large enough email list say we get the 250,000 people you know this becomes you; know two thousand to three thousand dollars per email you’re sending out about a product now you could make a lot of money like that really obviously right so guys it’s all about building the list and another reason to build a list is you know we have a large Pinterest account and we have some good social media stuff but you know we’re building it on Pinterest land you know if Pinterest changes their algorithm or changes something that they don’t like well then guess what they can kick our butts right off of there and that’s not very good for our business but the thing is when you have an email list you own it you own your email list and nobody can take that away from you so it’s really one of your biggest if not I’d say your accounts are assets as well but it is by far your most controlled asset that you have is an email list the step six is use affiliate products to start now this is an interesting point because many of you will be starting out wondering what you should sell and don’t really have experience with sales pages you don’t have experiences making a product and you don’t have all of this experience in the sales process because my god sales is a process and so we made our one of our biggest failures at the beginning was that we tried to create a product ahead of ourselves we created a product and tried to market it too soon and we didn’t really know how to market we didn’t know how to sell anything and because we didn’t know how to sell anything even though we had an awesome product we didn’t make any sales there were just absolute; I mean we talked a little bit about it in this post but it was just crickets nobody bought it and it was just totally I mean it made us totally distraught at the time because it was just like oh my gosh we spent months on this thing and nobody wants it and that’s why I tell people at the beginning use affiliate products affiliate products are just products that other people have created and that you partner with to sell your own the reason you want to start with affiliate products is because you need to get used to the sales process you need to see ok what are these people doing that that my customers like and even more importantly you need to ask your customers and talk to them hey what about this product don’t you like what about this product isn’t working for you because that way you can kind of understand that you know you can create exactly what your what your customers need if they’re already buying a product and they say well they hear the things I like your things I don’t like well then you can just change it to suit their needs you know we started out with an affiliate product for yoga; in the yoga niche that wasn’t it was a good product don’t get me wrong but it was a little older and there was some flaws to it for sure and we sold it as an affiliate product because we were trying to prove to ourselves okay that you know we can sell something and make money but then later on what we did is we switched over to creating our own product once the viability had been proven and this is the final step and most important is that the only way the only real way to make real money online is by selling your own product don’t get me wrong there are a few niches out there that can sell really pricey affiliate products and make some serious money but guys it is so much easier just to sell your own so but you remember this is a step by step process that we’ve laid out here you’ve got to start out with an affiliate product and then move on to your own product once viability has been proven once some of your customers have purchased that product then you move on to your own and here’s why you know we were selling this affiliate product this yoga affiliate product and we’re making like five dollars a sale and it really doesn’t make take a rocket scientist to realize that five dollars a sale you have to sell a lot of products to make money online only later on we created our own product and we sold it for $37 a sale it’s now 27 but it was 37 we’re selling it originally and so just think about that we you know over we’ve 6×7 extra revenue overnight by selling this other product and on top of that your customers and your audience will want to buy products from you and the cool thing is that they really don’t have to be complicated or are overly confusing products they don’t have to be like some sort of epic you know video production like thing they can be really basic stuff like online PDFs that really you know give people good information and lots of value that people will pay for and they’ll still come back as customers for you so guys that is really of the things; I wanted to talk about how to make money writing a blog and that’s how we went from zero K to sorry zero dollars 10 K per month. 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